Magazine of Concrete Research

ISSN 0024-9831 | E-ISSN 1751-763X
Volume 53 Issue 5, October 2001, pp. 337-345
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This paper deals with the estimation of crack width for the concrete structural members under pure torsion. An analytical method is proposed to estimate the torsional crack width for the reinforced concrete members. The proposed method utilises the conventional crack theory and can take into account the bond-slip between the reinforcement and concrete. The stresses induced in the reinforcement and concrete under torsion are obtained by using the space truss theory. An analytical equation for the estimation of the maximum crack width is formulated as a function of the mean bond stress. The validity, accuracy, and efficiency of the proposed method are established by comparing the results of present study with the experimental data as well as the results obtained from the analytical study. The results of analysis presented in this paper indicate that the proposed method can be effectively used to estimate the torsional crack width of the concrete structural members under torsion.

Keywords: concrete

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